Kategorie: Daheim
One week to go
October 04 – Tuesday Allmählich beginnen bei uns dann doch die finalen Vorbereitungen. Unser Busch-Taxi hat schon seit Wochen einen deutlichen Vorsprung. Am 7. September haben wir unseren Toyo in Mainz (Spedition Frankenbach) in einen 20-Fuß-Container gefahren. Ich hatte befürchtet, die Solarzellen abbauen zu müssen, aber dank Luft-aus-dem-Reifen-lassen ging es gerade noch so. Viel höher dürfte…
Why LCs are a solid business
How many displays had Livingstone when he discovered the Victoria Falls? No idea what we are going to discover … Whatever it may be, we have the devices to find, document and communicate it. We will be supported by seven displays and their many small liquid crystals. We would be lost without the company which made communication visible.…
Robben Island
10 Oct, 10 p.m. – The „Maersk Elgin“ approaches Cape Town and has already passed famous Robben Island. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that the container with our car still is on the vessel – or that at least the „Robben“ (Africaans, Dutch, German for seal) have fun with my toy. 10. Oktober, 22 Uhr: Unser…
Leaving, on a jet plane
… don’t know when I’ll be back again, (John Denver). Full of joy and happiness about leaving – the only sad thing is leaving these two behind.
2016: Wieder daheim
Done. For the first time we were not just „on vacation“ but were „travelling“. Back home since one week now. What we are missing already [besides blogging]: (a) At least 30 degrees on the thermometer. (b) Sunrise is 3 hours too late and sunset 4 hours too early. (c) Stars, stars, stars! … Zum ersten Mal waren wir…
Jan – Sep 2017
Time flies … without a new footprint in an African desert. Without Africa? No. In March, the Merck Family Foundation launched its first project in Kenya. And meanwhile charitable projects in Ghana, Uganda, Rwanda, Côte d‘ Ivoire and soon Morocco. Well, Africa hasn’t been short since we got back. But the continent has been shouting louder every month.…
Here we go!
Nine-eleven: Our third long journey in Africa starts today. However not the „3“ but the „7“ could become the numerical code for this trip: 7 countries, 77 days, 7,000 km – more or less 🙂 To get our dear readers into the right mood, here’s the rough planning of our route, which will certainly change…
A day when the world has changed
Ttoday’s date has been hammered in our brain as nine-eleven as it marks the 17th anniversary of Al-Qaida’s attack on the World Trade Center (2001) but also – not to forget – Darmstadt’s „night of the fire“ (1944), when 80% of a really pretty city* was destroyed and more than 11,000 people died after a…
Time for memories
We’re back home again. A big thank you goes to the team with Martina, Lore and Ernst for new numerous and shared adventures, another conflict-free journey and for the continuation of our friendship. Thanks also to the many people who gave us nice, exciting and informative encounters. And last but not least thanks to the many…