Kategorie: 2016
Game drive (1): Wild dogs
So far I saw wild dogs only once. Quite boring as they were sleeping. And now a pack of around 25 brown-black-yellow-white colored wild dogs is approaching us. The old ones very serious, the puppies (from the dominant couple only) chasing each other. Not many people have seen so many of this endangered species despite…
Game drive (2) – Lions
After dogs it has to be cats: Four female lions on their way to dinner crossing even water. Nach den Hunden kommen die ersten Katzen: Vier Löwinnen, die auf dem Weg zu ihrem Abendessen sogar Wasser durchqueren.
Game drive (3) – Buffalos
Rex, our personal guide at Stanley’s Camp maintains his outstanding successful game drives: Next highlight is a group of around 400 buffalos. 400 Büffel in ehrfürchtiger Entfernung (wir!).
Game drive (4) – Leopard
Still on Chief’s Island in the Okanvango Delta … After lions and buffalos here comes the most elegant one of the Big Five (For sure rhinos are still missing. Did I post elephants already? ). Nach Löwen und Büffeln finden wir – nein, unser phantastischer Führer – auch noch den dritten Vertreter der fünf großen afrikanischen Säuger, einen…
Don’t lose sight of the little ones
Hidden animal – look for „small, green, toxic“! Suchbild: Wer findet „klein, grün, giftig“?
Hippos and water lilies at eye level
In a mokoro on the Okavango River. The traditional mokoros were made from one tree. The word “mokoro” means boat made of wood. Im ebenso traditionellen wie wackligen Mokoro auf dem Okavango. Tiefgelegt wie der Z4.
I will come back with a special story on a special giraffe … stay tuned! Bleibt dran, wir haben noch eine besondere Geschichte über eine besondere Giraffe! Demnächst!
Time to say goodbye …
… with a final sundowner @ Chief’s Island / mit einem letzten „Sonnenuntergangs-Drink“ (weiß eigentlich jemand ein deutsches Wort dafür?) … and final thanks to the team @ Stanley’s Camp / und einem Dankeschön für die Mannschaft in unserer Lodge. . Now going to fly back to Maun. With a bit of sadness … Wir…
Inspired by Stefan Zweig
“The Royal Game” and the “Letter from an Unknown Woman” are a must-read. However it is the biography “Montaigne”, one of the final works before his suicide (Veronal!), which contains Stefan Zweig’s food for thought for our non-planning attitude: Not travelling, but being traveled, remaining free even against oneself. “Schachnovelle” oder “Brief einer Unbekannten” sind Klassiker…